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10 Ways to Make Your Content Stand Out

A tablet on a desk with a graphic image and the words Content is King

The Internet is awash with content in every niche you can imagine. Even small, local brick-and-mortar businesses are blogging, making YouTube videos, and driving traffic to their websites. So how can you possibly break through all this noise?

Here are 10 ways to make your content stand out from all the rest.

  1. Create your own tone and style. With your target audience in mind, create a unique writing style.

2. Get personal. Share details about your life and relate to your audience personally. Don’t go overboard talking only about yourself; sprinkle the useful information you’re sharing with some personal details.

3. Become a master storyteller. Learn how to tell stories and make them a central part of your content. Each story is unique and will help to make your content engaging and effective.

4. Get specific. Narrow it down to a very specific segment of your market that others aren’t speaking to. Focus on diving deep into sub-topics others haven’t covered.

5. Stay in the know. Subscribe to email newsletters, blogs, podcasts, and other sources of up-to-date information in your niche. Try to be the first to report on news stories and cover up-and-coming topics. Following various content creators will also give you more ideas on how to set your content apart.

6. Search for ideas in unlikely places. Follow content in other niches. Always look for ideas when you read the news, watch TV, talk to friends, or work your regular job. Sometimes, you’ll get an idea on another topic you can use in your content.

7. Create great brainstorming sessions. Set aside time purely for idea generation. Use various brainstorming techniques and write down every idea. Later, you can go through your list and evaluate each.

8. Take the opposite position. Find something that’s common wisdom in your niche and write from the other position. An example would be to write something like, “Social Media is Dead.” What if it’s not actually dead? You can use this as a title and angle for the piece to grab readers’ attention.

9. Explore new platforms and marketing channels. Find out what the kids are using these days and see if you can be the first in your niche to be active on them. Stake your claim early on new platforms, and your content marketing there will be unique.

10. Try something new. Make it a point to try something new regularly. Your content mix should always include something you’ve never done before. You may hit on a novel and unique way of doing things nobody else is doing.

Stay open-minded and always look for ways to make yourself unique. Try to understand what makes you stand out from others so you can incorporate this into your content marketing.

Are you ready to learn more about creating engaging content for your audience?

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