Your content offers more than just information and help. It offers an experience. When visitors land on your blog or social media presence, they’re looking for something more than just specific information. If you can give them exactly what they’re looking for, you’ll create a great overall experience, and they’ll keep coming back for more. Here are the reasons why you should create content with the user experience in mind.
More Conversions
Giving your audience a great experience through your content results in more conversions. Whatever you’d like your audience to do at your site, whether it’s sign up for your list, leave a comment, or buy, it’s more likely to happen if the experience is valuable.
Better SEO
One of the elements of content design is to plan your navigation so it’s as easy to use and consume as possible. This also results in better SEO as Google rewards sites that are easy to use. Because you’ll attract more visitors and keep them there longer with the value of your content, this will also boost your SEO.
Build Brand Awareness
Since the user experience makes your material easier to consume and more effective at meeting users’ needs, it will boost your brand awareness. When people find the information you offer useful, they’re more likely to share and tell others about it, bringing even more people to your site.
Your Audience Will Trust You
One of the main objectives of content marketing is to demonstrate your expertise in your niche. If you can do this successfully, your audience will come to see you as a trusted source of help for their problems. Good design and high-quality content will help ensure you do this.
Create Authentic Relationships with Your Audience
Success online depends on strong relationships. If you offer a great experience through your content, your readers will feel good about you and your brand. They will feel seen and know that you’re there just for them. This goes a long way in building a trusting relationship that will turn them from random visitors into long-term brand advocates.
Content Experience is Cost-effective
It takes a great deal of time and effort to create content. If you take a little time to consider creating a great experience, you’ll get more mileage out of each piece you produce, which lowers your costs in terms of time and effort.
How to Offer the Best User Experience Possible
Utilizing the best practices of content design can help you offer a great experience. Content design involves creating content to educate, inform, and entertain and to play a role in your audience's journey with your brand. By designing each piece with a holistic point of view, you’ll create content that’s more effective in achieving your goals.
Check out my course to learn more about creating the engaging intent your audience craves. Content Marketing the Key to Building Your Brand.