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Get Over Your Fear of Making Mistakes

woman holding head with frustrated and fearful look while looking at a computer.

The growth mindset demands that you adopt a new attitude toward making mistakes. We have to welcome failure because it’s a key part of the learning process. In fact, you learn more from messing up than from doing things right.


However, this attitude is not second nature for most of us. Here are some ideas on overcoming your fear of making mistakes so that you can grow and take action.


Who Says You Shouldn’t Make Mistakes?

Many of us struggle with this fear of making mistakes because of perceived pressure from outside. Maybe you don’t think it’s such a big deal, but you worry that others will ridicule and judge you.


It could be pressure from outside that makes you unable to take risks. If so, it might help to realize that no one is judging you. In fact, those around you will more likely be impressed to see you taking risks, even if you don’t succeed.


What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

Many people find it helpful to think about the worst that could happen if they try something and fail. This helps to dispel the fear because you realize the worst-case scenario is not so bad after all. Will you wreck your business? How much money will you lose? Will there be permanent damage that can’t be undone?


Once you consider the worst that could happen, visualize the best that could happen. Often by comparing these too, we can see that the potential reward far outweighs the risk.


Shut Down Your Inner Critic

Your inner critic is the voice inside your head that shoots you down before you even get started. When setting goals, we all want to be realistic. Your inner critic goes far beyond “realistic” and simply prevents you from taking action. When you’re about to take a risk or try something new, this voice stops you by focusing on mistakes you could make.


You can dispel your inner critic by identifying it and calling it out. Learn to recognize when you’re not being realistic but self-defeating. Once you know this is happening, you can remember that if you succeed or fail, you’ll learn something valuable and ignore it.


Welcome Your Mistakes

It may be helpful to realize that you are definitely going to make mistakes and welcome them. This is an essential part of growing and you will learn from it. People who seem brave don’t have any more courage than the rest of us. They are afraid and take action anyway. You can, too, by making this a habit.


Reframe with Positive Language

The language you use is very important in shaping how you think about what you do. Learning to frame things using positive phrases rather than negative ones will change your attitude as well.


For example, you just launched a product that didn’t sell because you didn’t do your targeting well. Instead of saying you didn’t do it right, reframe it to say, “I need to work more on my targeting next time.” You’re focused on how you can improve rather than how you failed.


Embrace the Journey

Mistakes are not roadblocks but stepping stones on the path to success. You can turn failures into valuable lessons by shifting your perspective and embracing the growth mindset. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and it's a natural part of the learning process. The key is acknowledging your fears, silencing your inner critic, and reframing setbacks with positive language. As you take risks and welcome the inevitable missteps, you'll find yourself growing, learning, and moving closer to your goals. So, go ahead—embrace the journey, celebrate your progress, and watch as you transform challenges into opportunities for greatness.

Visit our e-course site to learn ore about a successful mindset and other business skills. Click HERE.

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