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How To Find Your Ideal Customers

a woman in a boutique handing a blouse to the cashier

When you know your ideal customer, this changes absolutely everything in your business. This target market is the basis for everything you'll do – your branding, the products and services you'll offer, the marketing channels you'll use, and the way you interact with your customers. This is why it's essential to take this crucial first step.


Your ideal customer is the person who can benefit the most from what you're offering. Businesses create a persona that describes this market as one individual. It might say something like, "Bob is a small business owner in the American Midwest earning XXX per year and seeking to grow his business…" It's very specific so that you know exactly who you're targeting.


To create a customer profile, you'll need to gather as much data as possible about the people buying from you.  


Here are the questions your customer profile should answer:


Where Is Your Ideal Customer and What Do They Do?


An accurate and complete picture of your ideal customer starts with identifying where they are and what they do. Demographic information such as this includes things like geographical location, age, job status, annual income, family structure, and so on. Answer the question, "Who are you?"


What Problems Does Your Product or Service Solve?


Your ideal customer is facing a problem or challenge. You need to discover their pressing need so that you can offer the product or service that will solve it. What change will your offering bring about in the customer's life?


What Is the Customer Looking for When They Shop?


A major part of your ideal customer profile is buying behavior. When and how does your target market shop? How do they feel about the money, products, and services they buy? Knowing this information lets you adjust your offer to fit your customers' lifestyles and buying behavior.


What Are the Customer's Objections to Buying?


This is an important question for understanding your customer's behavior. Many people get close to buying but stop at the last minute for one reason or another. They might wonder if the product will actually deliver the results, or they may not be sure whether it's worth the price. Your marketing should address these objections and dispel them to remove obstacles to buying.


Finding Data on Your Ideal Customer


So, where do you go to find this information? There are many ways you can learn about your market:


-      Conduct research on social media, including places like online forums and Q&A sites.

-      Talk to existing customers or the audience you already have.

-      Follow your competitors and see what kind of people follow and buy from them.

-      Conduct surveys online with people in your niche.


Want to learn more about starting a business? Check out my course that takes you from step one to the final launch of your new business. If you want to turn your business idea into reality right now, check out my course here.

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