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Integrating Core Values – The Key to Business Likability

Updated: Jun 15

The first step in building long-term relationships with customers? Getting them to know and like you. After all, you can’t sell to them if they’re not on board with who you are.

You can quickly build this foundation of likability by integrating your brand’s core values into your business. If these values resonate with your audience, they’ll feel a lasting emotional connection with your brand.

Core values are the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that drive your company. They’re the foundation for decision-making, behavior, strategy, and actions. They shape the culture, identity, and direction of all you do.

What Do You Stand for?

Start by clearly defining the core values that drive your business. Ask yourself:

  1. What’s important to you? Identify the key motivators that drive your business. Think about the changes you want to make in your customers’ lives.

  2. What do you do well? Find areas where you’ve had success and gotten wins for your audience.

  3. What do you aspire to? Think about what you’d like to achieve in the future.

  4. What do you NOT want to be known for? Consider your failures or things you don’t want to be associated with.

Identify keywords that convey your core values. These could be things like:

  1. Customer-centric

  2. Commitment to high-quality products

  3. Diversity and inclusion

  4. Sustainability

  5. High-tech innovation

  6. Open-mindedness

  7. Empowerment

Explain Your Core Values

Once you have your core values defined, display them on your website. Many businesses have a page explaining their mission and values. Create a concise explanation of core values and why they’re important to you. You can add this explanation to your blog, social media profiles, and other places you also have an online presence.

Seek Customer Testimonials

It’s even more powerful when someone other than the brand itself sings its praises. Seek customer testimonials that highlight and reinforce these values and display them on your website, blog, and social media posts. Video testimonials are even more effective than text-based content.

Use Storytelling

Stories offer a great way to communicate your core values. Share stories about how these fundamental principles influence your business decisions, product development, or customer interactions. Tell your origin story or the story of a challenge you overcame.

Cause Marketing

Cause marketing is when a business collaborates with a non-profit for a common benefit. This is usually done by donating to a cause. You might contribute to an environmental organization, an organization that supports LGBTQ+ rights, or an educational charity. Support causes that align with your core values, and you’ll attract those who share them and deter those who don’t.

Partner with Influencers

Identify influencers who share your values to partner with for collaborative projects. Look for influencers in your niche who stand for the same things. Reach out to them for collaboration suggestions such as sponsored content, guest appearances, co-created products, and events.

Identify and communicate your core values strategically, and you can use them to get your customers to know, like, and trust you fast.

Want to learn more about increasing your likability to your target market? Head over to The KLT Factor- How to Get Your Audience To Know. Like and Trust You

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